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My vision is to provide legal education to weaker and deprived students of neighbouring rural areas, so that they can come into the main stream of the society.

The profession of law is noble, calling and the members of legal profession occupy a very high status. Law is foundation of every society and it develops abiding citizens, lawyers, academician and aspiring Judges. Legal education in India refers to education of lawyers before their entry into practice. The aim is not, just providing legal education but also to produce lawyers who will be regarded as legal instrument for Social Design. The main aim of legal education are as follows:

  • To train students for legal profession
  • To educate the students to solve individual clients problem.
  • To address, the society problems in which they live.
  • To provide platform to the students to contribute, to understand law and to participate in the growth and improvement of nation.


    To create centre of excellence in the field of legal education and research, with social responsibility to reach out to the disadvantaged sections of the society through our legal service programs.

    We aspire to promote multi-disciplinary inquiry and create in our students the practical appreciation of the social-legal problems facing the country. We will also endeavour persistently to work towards developing our intellectual assets, the faculty, by exposing them to global legal practices which will ultimately create an impact on their teaching pedagogy.



    The mission of Jeevandeep College of Law is to create lawyers and legal professionals, who will become well versed in national and trans-national legal system. The emerging technologies have changed the laws governing communication and intellectual property rights.

    Modern lawyers are expected to know the latest changes and acquire proficiency in his practices. It is our commitment to produce legal eagles who would add new dimensions to the legal profession/ system and contribute significantly towards social equity and make legal practices value based. Activate .

- Shri Ravindra Ghodvinde