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1.Formation and Constitution

The Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct Committee was formed and constituted as per the Governing Committee's directives to oversee the ethical framework of Jeevandeep Law College.

2. Purpose and Objectives

The committee's core responsibilities include:

• Designing an ethical policy document in line with institutional values and the legal profession's standards.

• Conducting annual awareness programs to promote the understanding of good and acceptable conduct among students.

• Organizing and conducting professional ethics programs for students, faculty, and administrative staff as per guidelines laid out by the University of Mumbai and other applicable regulations

3. Governance of the Committee

The committee is headed by the principal, operating under the contents and guidelines provided in the institutional and professional ethics policy document. This document includes: • Code of Conduct for Students • Code of Conduct for Teaching Staff • Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching and Administrative Staff Each code is specifically tailored to address the unique roles and responsibilities of different college members, while maintaining a uniform framework for institutional behaviour.

4. Scope of the Code

The Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct are applicable to:
• Top Management: Governing body members
• Principal and Leadership Team: Vice Principal, Medical Superintendent
• Teachers: All faculty members (UG and PG teaching staff)
• Non-Teaching Staff: Administrative and support staff
• Students: All students (UG and PG) admitted from the academic year 2018-2023 onwards. The Code of Conduct is mandatory and binding for all parties mentioned, and failure to comply with the code may result in disciplinary action by the competent authority, i.e., the Principal.

5. Key Principles of Professional Ethics

The committee, through its ethical guidelines, emphasizes the following principles for maintaining the dignity, discipline, and decorum of the institution:
5.1 General Principles for All Members
• Engage in educational and institutional activities in alignment with the college's vision and mission.
• Practice honest, respectful, and inclusive communication with colleagues, students, and the community.
• Set high standards of professional conduct, maintaining confidentiality in relationships and professional engagements.
• Fulfill all professional commitments responsibly, being punctual and adhering to institutional schedules.
• Maintain impartiality, fairness, and objectivity in all dealings without preconceived notions or biases.
• Continuously upgrade professional competencies to adapt to the evolving educational and legal landscape. • Encourage and reward merit, ensuring fairness in evaluations, admissions, and promotions across all organizational levels.

6. Code of Conduct for Students

The following rules are designed to ensure that students maintain the integrity and professional behaviour expected at Jeevandeep Law College:
• Mandatory Compliance: Upon admission, students must acknowledge the Code of Conduct and are bound to comply with it throughout their tenure.
• Attendance and Participation: Students must maintain the required attendance levels, participate actively in both academic and co-curricular activities, and dress appropriately in the college premises.
• Respect for Institutional Norms: Students must demonstrate respect and consideration for the college environment, property, and peers. Damaging college property, engaging in ragging, or misconduct will result in disciplinary action.
• Behavioural Norms: Students are required to exhibit proper manners and follow social etiquette when interacting with faculty, staff, and peers. Politeness, gratitude, and collaboration are encouraged to foster a positive learning atmosphere.

7. Code of Conduct for Teaching Staff

The teaching staff is expected to embody professionalism, ethical behaviour, and a commitment to student development.
The following key aspects are included in the teaching staff's Code of Conduct:
• Punctuality and Attendance: Faculty must report to work on time, engage in scheduled lectures, practicals, and supervision, and ensure timely completion of teaching and evaluation work.
• Respect and Fairness: Faculty must treat students impartially, avoid biases, and maintain objectivity in their academic interactions. They should serve as mentors and guides, fostering a positive academic environment.
• Continuous Learning: Faculty are encouraged to upgrade their skills, adapt to new teaching methods, and stay updated with legal reforms to deliver quality education.
• Professional Conduct: Avoidance of addictive behaviours, maintaining the confidentiality of student matters, and collaboration with colleagues are mandatory to uphold the college's dignity.

8. Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching and Administrative Staff

The non-teaching staff plays a crucial role in supporting the institution's operations. Their code of conduct includes:
• Timeliness and Efficiency: Non-teaching staff are expected to report to work on time, discharge their duties promptly, and behave with professionalism in all administrative and support activities.
• Professional Decorum: Respectful behaviour towards colleagues, students, and faculty is mandatory. The staff must adhere to the institutional rules and regulations and maintain discipline.
• No Substance Abuse: Alcohol, tobacco, and other intoxicants are strictly prohibited during working hours.
• Knowledge of Duties: Non-teaching staff must be familiar with their duties, service conditions, and institutional policies related to leave, salary, and other administrative matters.

9. Awareness and Compliance Programs

The committee will conduct periodic awareness sessions and workshops for students, faculty, and staff to promote unders.tanding of the ethical code and reinforce acceptable conduct within the institution. These programs will highlight topics such as: • Professional ethics in legal practice • Good academic practices and integrity • Maintaining confidentiality in legal and academic settings.

10. Review and Amendment Procedures

The Code of Conduct and the ethical policies will be reviewed annually by the Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct Committee to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with institutional goals and the legal profession's evolving standards.

This booklet ensures the highest standards of conduct are maintained by every member of Jeevandeep Law College, fostering a culture of respect, professionalism, and excellence in legal education